Shopping with confidence!
Whether you're shopping our brick and mortar boutiques in Greenwich, CT or scrolling through our carefully curated products online, we are here to make shopping for pre-owned luxury a fun and hassle-free experience. We know nothing will ruin your day faster than finding out that bag you bought was a replica. That is where we come in to intervene and put your worries to rest. Over the course of working in the pre-owned marketplace, guaranteeing authenticity gives not only us, but you, the satisfaction and security of spending your hard earned money in one of the most highly-plagued industries when it comes to counterfeits. Therefore, it is mandatory that we are skilled and efficient in determining the real thing from that fake Louis that has been made to fool the most watchful eye. Now you know when you are shopping with Consigned Designs the time has come for you to make that first purchase, rest assured that you are backed with a lifetime authenticity guarantee policy for 100% of your money back.
Shopping with CD has always given me the satisfaction and security of shopping resale. Their guaranteed authenticity policy has always provided me with the assurance that purchasing pre owned luxury can me as safe as buying new, the only difference being the size of my wallet after the purchase.
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